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Supporting Your Child's Growth: Our Pediatric Services

Welcome to our Pediatrics Services page. Our specialized services are designed to address both developmental needs and acquired disorders for children from birth through 18 years. We provide evaluation and treatment, ensuring each child receives personalized care tailored to their specific challenges. Here, we offer a brief overview of some areas where we deliver support and therapeutic interventions.

Executive Function

Executive Function

If your child struggles with organization, planning, time management, problem-solving, or completing tasks, they might need help with executive function skills. Our therapy focuses on improving their ability to manage and regulate their thoughts and actions. We work on strategies for organization, planning techniques, cognitive flexibility exercises, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them become more efficient, independent learners and better equipped to handle various challenges in daily life.

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Feeding & Swallowing

Feeding & Swallowing

Some children may refuse certain foods, eat limited varieties, show disruptive behaviors during mealtime, or struggle with self-feeding skills. Swallowing safely is complex, and difficulties can lead to serious issues like food entering the airway. Our therapy aims to ensure your child gets proper nutrition and hydration, learns safe swallowing techniques, and enjoys eating with family and friends. Together, we'll work to make eating a positive experience for your child, taking into account their unique needs.




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If your child has trouble finding the right words, sharing ideas, or showing feelings, they might need help with expressive language. Our therapy focuses on improving how well they speak and write. We work on words, sentence making, storytelling, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them do better at school and in daily life. 


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If your child struggles to follow directions, grasp questions, or understand words and sentences, they might need help with receptive language. Our therapy focuses on improving how well they understand  spoken and written language. We work on auditory training, reading comprehension, context-based learning, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them improve how they understand and respond to the world around them.


If your child finds it hard to understand social cues, take turns in conversations, stay on topic, or speak appropriately for different situations, they might need help with social language. Our therapy focuses on improving how well they interact with others. We work on understanding social rules, reading body language, practicing conversation skills, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them feel more comfortable in social situations and build better relationships.




If your child finds it challenging to recognize words, comprehend reading passages, or struggles with reading fluently, they might need support with reading. Our therapy aims to enhance their reading skills, focusing on phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension. We employ strategies like phonics instruction, guided reading practices, vocabulary development, and comprehension techniques tailored to each child's needs. This approach helps them become more confident readers, enabling them to better understand and interact with the text they encounter. Our goal is to foster a lifelong love for reading, opening doors to endless learning and exploration.



If your child has difficulty organizing their thoughts on paper, struggles with spelling, grammar, or finds it hard to express ideas in written form, they might benefit from support with writing. Our therapy targets the development of writing skills, from the basics of handwriting and spelling to the more complex tasks of composition and text organization. We utilize techniques such as structured writing frameworks, grammar and punctuation exercises, and strategies for idea generation and organization, all tailored to meet your child's individual needs. By enhancing their writing abilities, we aim to empower your child to communicate effectively and confidently through written language, supporting their academic success and creative expression.



If your child consistently encounters challenges with spelling, confusing letter sequences, or struggles to apply spelling rules, they may need targeted support in this area. Our therapy concentrates on enhancing spelling skills through a variety of evidence-based strategies. We address phonological awareness, the understanding of sound-letter correspondences, and the application of spelling rules and patterns. Our approach includes multisensory learning techniques, memorization strategies, and practice with word families and exceptions to rules, all customized to fit your child's specific needs. By improving their spelling abilities, we aim to boost your child's confidence in writing and overall literacy, laying a solid foundation for academic achievement and effective communication.




If your child struggles to pronounce sounds clearly, form words correctly, or be understood by others, they might need help with articulation. Our therapy focuses on improving how well they speak. We work on specific sounds, mouth movements, word formation, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them communicate more effectively and confidently in various settings.


If your child has difficulty recognizing or producing speech sounds, understanding patterns or following rules of pronunciation, they might need help with phonology. Our therapy focuses on improving their overall phonological awareness. We work on sound discrimination, phonemic awareness, phonological patterns, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them develop stronger language skills and become better communicators.



If your child experiences hoarseness, vocal fatigue, difficulty being heard, or other issues related to their voice, they might need help with voice therapy. Our therapy focuses on improving vocal quality and function. We work on techniques to promote vocal health, exercises to strengthen vocal muscles, strategies to optimize resonance, and more, based on what each child needs. This can help them communicate more clearly and confidently, reducing strain and discomfort associated with speaking.

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